A Cappella Niagara

Join Us

Are you a guy who enjoys singing or humming along to a favorite song? Do you sing in the shower? Have you ever thought of singing with a group? 

A Cappella Niagara welcomes men from all walks of life. Regardless of your musical background, we invite you to visit a rehearsal, meet a few of the guys, and discover whether our style of 4-part a cappella harmony is right for you! Many of our members had little musical experience prior to joining us! We provide music and learning tracks to aid you with learning the songs we perform throughout the Niagara region. We rehearse 7:00 to 9:00 PM most Wednesdays, September through June. Contact us at 905-341-3415 or email us at infoniagarasingers@gmail.com to visit one of our rehearsals.

Click below to get a feel for how our 4-part a cappella barbershop harmony is created.

Main Street Explains Barbershop Harmony